Another day out with the SD10 and another set of shots I am very pleased with. Once more, I put the high sensitivity settings of the camera to test and as far as I can see, the results were consistent with my first impression... great part of the high ISO noise in high sensitivity images, the issue that the Sigma is infamous for, comes down to user error (heavy handed on the X3 fill feature for starters). The noisy ISO 400 setting in fact looks very clean and the grain is very akin to a good ISO 400 film with tight,fine grain structure. ISO800 proved to be very usable too. The Sigma is a camera that requires that the user does everything right from the moment before and after the shutter is pressed ( from correct exposure, white balance to the right choice of lenses and correct setting on conversion); and that surely also impacts on the second step of its image origination.
Here are some from today's set. My only niggle is not having a sharp enough long lens, but I will surely add to the shopping list some nice and sharp Sigma EX lenses or DG APO lenses.







Until next time,
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